The majority of domestic burglaries are caused by the absence of a reliable home security system, turning your home into an easy target for a desperate burglar.

On the other hand, many burglaries can be prevented by simply hiding valuable items out of sight, drawing the curtains and locking the back door.

Many people neglect to take home security measures because they think “What are the chances this will happen to me?”…

Simple household tips to prevent burglary

Close the blinds and curtains

This may seem very obvious and even a little silly, but many people leave their valuables on full display when they leave the house.

Closing the curtains in your living room means potential burglars can’t look in and spot your shiny new 50″ flat-screen HD TV.

Remember to lock ALL of the windows.

Many of you may well be thinking “We do!”. But do you remember to lock even the small rectangular windows that are often on top of the bigger windows?

Of course a burglar can’t fit through a window the size of a letter box, but he can most certainly stick his arm in! Once his arm is in, he can reach the key you left on the windowsill, open a bigger window and let himself in!

They can also attach hooks to sticks so that nothing is out of reach!

 Tricking burglars

If a burglar thinks you’re in, he won’t think twice about finding another unoccupied house up the road.

If you’re leaving your home unattended during the night, leave a light and a radio on to fool any predators into thinking you are home.

Know your neighbours

Getting to know people in your area is one of the most important safety steps you can take. If you have a close-knit relationship with your neighbours, they are more likely to keep an eye on your property.

This also means that you have a trusted friend to check your house when you’re on holiday.

Defend your home with a burglar alarm

You’ll be surprised how many people across the UK fail to see the importance of a reliable home security system.

This is why so many criminals can get away with breaking into your family home, stealing your sentimental items and destroying your sense of safety. Without a burglar alarm, you’re inviting them to.

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