If you’ve landed on this page, you most likely want to learn more about door alarms and the possibility of securing individual doors and windows within your place of business.

We often get asked about whether it is possible to secure just one door of a business premises rather than investing in a full alarm system…

Here’s all the info you need to help you make an informed decision.

How do individual door alarms work?

It is possible to purchase a small device that attaches to your door or window frame and activates when the door or window is opened.

The device comes in two pieces. One part attaches to the outside frame and the other to the inside frame.

A signal is sent between both parts of the device. When the door opens, the signal can no longer be detected and the alarm is activated.

Why do people use individual door alarms instead of purchasing a security system?

Guardian Burglar AlarmsThe simple answer is that they are much cheaper. It costs a lot less to purchase door alarms online and stick them on yourself.

Many small business owners will cut corners when it comes to security equipment to save a few extra quid, in turn risking their own safety and well being and that of their staff and work equipment.

Don’t make the same mistake as this Essex IT company. They almost paid the price with their lives. Read the full story here.

Some people might also think that burglars are far more likely to target the front door rather than the back – or vice versa. In reality, they are more likely to analyse your business’s security well in advance, so playing guessing games with where they’re most likely to break in isn’t going to help.

Some criminals will watch you entering and leaving your business for over a week to gain useful info such as:

  • How many people work there
  • What time they all clock out
  • Which exit they use
  • When the last person leaves and locks up the premises
  • How busy the surrounding streets are / the likelihood of being caught

Another objection to having a full security system might also be the hassle and disruption. But ask yourself:

  • Is it more hassle to pay for a security system or to deal with the aftermath of a burglary?
  • Will my staff feel safe working for me after a break in?
  • How does the absence of a security system reflect on my business?
  • Will I be in legal trouble for losing other people’s data to a burglar?

The last point is especially important to companies that are bound by the Data Protection Act. Click here to learn how a small solicitors firm suffered in more ways than one after a break in.

In the age of DIY this, that and the other, everyone thinks they are capable of doing a professional job – even when it comes to something as serious as your security.

However, they fail to realise that, by taking on a job for the professionals, they are disregarding years of experience that gets the job done right, first time around.

The same goes for smoke alarms and door entry systems!

Get the job done right the first time!

As much as you might want to ignore the rising crime rates, burglars are only getting more adept at not getting caught.

That’s why you need a reliable, fool-proof alarm system that has been installed by professionals.

Guardian Security Alarm Systems For Sensible Businesses

We urge you to go the extra mile in securing your business. The alternative is too scary to imagine…

Fill out our form below to ask a question or receive a free security evaluation for a package tailored to your needs.